Lunch in the dining room.
Welcome to the Hazelhut, Caterina the pony!
Pizza time!
A future Hazelhutter?
Sharing our vision with all the guests.
Some people found time for art and table tennis.
Gathering hazelnuts - it is the season!
A huge thank you to everyone who braved the imperfect weather and came to the Hazelhut for our Open Day on Sunday. It was a wonderful occasion as the pictures demonstrate, from the early morning sunrise to the last bite of pizza! Lunch in the dining room. Welcome to the Hazelhut, Caterina the pony! Pizza time! A future Hazelhutter? Sharing our vision with all the guests. Some people found time for art and table tennis. Gathering hazelnuts - it is the season! We really hope to see you all again soon. Our term time weekends will be starting on the first weekend in October and don't forget to contact us if you want to join us for the autumn break in the first week of November!
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