All the children made their own sandwiches and we headed into the chestnut groves for a picnic lunch. James invented 'splat the apple', which involved all the children trying to whack an old apple from a stick..... this led to many other new games besides.
After a little rest, all the kids were ready for a swim, but a bat had fallen in our pool! We rescued him and he is sitting in a box now feeling, or at least looking, a lot better. There were races up and down the pool, breath holding contests, noodle games and much more besides, but a thunderstorm loomed, so we headed for the hot tub.
We were so happy to welcome Nathaniel back now that his arm is better. The storm broke in the afternoon and wrecked our plans for a camp fire, but we didn't get too down and had an indoor barbeque dinner instead. All the kids made T-shirts to celebrate the Hazelhut. Annabel says: 'It's very funny and the first day you'll see that you'll like it a lot.'
Luca says: 'I loved the archery'
Nathaniel says: 'I like this camp because it's nice and there are nice games and nice teachers.'
Sam says: 'It's the best camp of the school.'
Viva The Hazelhut!